本系列户外型电压互感器为户外环氧树脂浇注全封闭结构,适用于额定频率50Hz、额定35kV及以下的电力系统中,作电能计量、电压监控和继电保护用。本产品符合IEC186及 GB12006《电压互感器》标准。
The seres of outdoor voltage transformers are full cast-resin insulated usedin outdoor. They are used for metering electric energy;voltage control and relayprotection in the electric system up to rated frequency 50Hz or 60Hz and raetedvoltage 35kV.The transformers can be executed according to the standards IEC186and GB1207-2006.
This types of voltage transformers are full en-closed structure of outdoorcast-
resin insulation. They have much merit,such as :electric arc resistance,ultraviolet rayand aging resistance long creep-age distance,little partial discharge and large caliberof resistance to over voltage.
JDZXW-35(R) is a single-phase transformer connected between
phase.The JDZF35W2 has two secondary windings. It is separation of energymeasuring form voltage. Monitoring;The JDZXW-35 (R),is also single-phasetransformer connected between phase to ground. The primary A terminal isconnected with phase wire, the N terminal is earthen.The JDZX W-35(R) hasthree secondary windings. It is separation of energy measuring form voltagemintoring and relay protecting.
使用环境 Condition of use
·Ambient temperature:-25℃ ~+40℃
·污秽等级:IV class
·Antipilution class: lV class